Research Development 1

Research & Development

Advancing Industry Knowledge and Protocols in Legionella Control

HBE is a recognised leader in Legionella management, with a proven track record in managing the environmental risks posed by Legionella bacteria.

Our commitment to Research & Development (R&D) has led us to continuously innovate, improving our methodologies and expanding our range of solutions for Legionella monitoring and control across Northern and the Republic of Ireland.

Our focus on process innovation aims to enhance industry protocols, integrating technological advancements that improve Legionella control. By optimising current Legionella regulations and introducing more effective methods, we aim to save lives and reduce public health risks.

Legionella Centre of Excellence

To drive this mission forward, HBE established the Legionella Centre of Excellence, which supports our R&D programme. This centre is vital for ensuring that any innovation undergoes thorough research and validation to meet or exceed existing regulatory standards before being rolled out across the industry.

Current Research Projects

Our ongoing research projects focus on:

  • Legionella analysis and monitoring technologies to improve control measures.
  • The development of new biocidal chemistry to enhance disinfection rates.
  • Creating processes to reduce water consumption and the environmental impact of Legionella management programmes.

By advancing Legionella management, we continue to improve the safety of water systems and contribute to better public health outcomes.

Research & Development

Healthy Buildings Ireland Ltd (HBE) is in receipt of Grant for R&D support from Invest NI for its ‘Development of EF Biocide project’.

This project which is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014-2020 will be implemented over the next two years and aims to develop a new biocide that will be an advancement in the field of legionella control and would incorporate the following environmental and sustainable benefits;

  • Reduce water usage for the process.
  • Reduce chemical usage for the process.
  • Reduce time and inconvenience to occupants of the buildings being disinfected.
  • Enhance the occupational health and safety for the staff undertaking the work.
  • Potentially allow for the reduction in hot water running temperatures and therefore saving on energy costs

Technical Bulletins

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WMS Part 2 Guidance

The Water Management Society (WMSoc) recently published the second part of its guidance on remote monitoring of water systems in May 2024. It provides some much needed guidance to end...

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WMS Part 1 Guidance

In January 2023, The Water Management Society published a set of guidance for Remote Temperature Monitoring for its members. It contains some excellent analysis of the market, issues and trends...

CHAS Certified

CHAS Certified

CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) is an accreditation awarded to companies that can show their health & safety processes can meet an excellent standard View Certificate Here


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