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HSE Legionnaires’ disease –A guide for employers This short and simple guide is written to help you, as an employer, understand the health risks associated with...
Sadly the Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Edinburgh has claimed two lives. The total number of confirmed cases is 42, while the number of suspected cases remains...
Pseudomonas Outbreak in Scotland: The facts about Pseudomonas What is Pseudomonas aeruginosa? With the news about the outbreaks of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Scottish Hospital, we...
When Legionella monitoring becomes more important than the risk assessment When your best defence is proactive legionella management, we’re asking why so many organisations just rely...
A worker who had been working with another CTA electrician on an ‘L’ train car washing machine in a CTA rail yard near Midway Airport, Chicago...
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